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Transform Your Life with Expert Coaching

Dr. Ervin A. Jones III is now offering personalized coaching services to help you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential. With a focus on faith, joy, and community support, our coaching services are designed to provide guidance, encouragement, and actionable strategies for your personal growth.

Our Specialties

Convenient Virtual Sessions


Our coaching sessions are conducted virtually via Zoom, making it easy for you to connect with Dr. Jones from the comfort of your home. We offer various session options to suit your needs:


  • 15-Minute Discovery Session
    This introductory session includes an assessment, goal-setting, and personalized homework reading directions for future sessions. It's a great way to get a taste of our coaching process and plan your next steps. You will complete an assessment form to share what brought you to coaching, what you hope to gain, and provide a brief history.

  • 30-Minute Session
    In this session, you will receive focused guidance on specific issues or goals. Dr. Jones will help you identify actionable steps and strategies to move forward. This session is ideal for addressing particular challenges or making progress on a specific goal.

  • 45-Minute Session
    This comprehensive session allows for deeper exploration of your goals and challenges. Dr. Jones will provide in-depth coaching, helping you develop a detailed plan for personal growth. This session is perfect for those looking to make significant changes or achieve long-term goals.


Exclusive Offer for Monthly Members
Enjoy a free 15-minute discovery session each month as part of our monthly membership program. This session includes an assessment, goal-setting, and personalized homework to keep you on track.

Difference Between Coaching Services and Therapy​

Coaching and therapy are both valuable tools for personal development, but they serve different purposes:

Coaching Services

  • Focus on present and future goals.

  • Designed for individuals who are already functioning well but want to achieve more.

  • Emphasizes action, accountability, and achieving specific personal and professional goals.

  • Sessions are structured around practical strategies and actionable steps.



  • Focuses on healing past traumas and addressing psychological issues.

  • Aimed at individuals dealing with mental health conditions or significant emotional distress.

  • Involves exploring deep-seated issues and working through emotional challenges.

  • Often a longer-term process that delves into past experiences to understand current behavior.


At EAJ3 Coaching Services, we are committed to helping you create a brighter future through focused, goal-oriented coaching. Whether you're looking to navigate life transitions, improve your relationships, or embark on a journey of self-discovery, Dr. Ervin A. Jones III is here to support and guide you every step of the way.




Get Started Today

Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life. Schedule your initial discovery session with Dr. Jones and start your journey to personal growth and success.

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