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We are doing life together!

Grown & Classy Birthday Social
Grown & Classy Birthday Social
Aug 09, 2024, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Brick & Beam,
1101 N Main St, Jacksonville, FL 32206, USA
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Self Care and Soul Care are essential components to walking in consciousness. Unwrapping what that looks like through music, laughter, and biblical truths has helped to build an environment for healing with no place of judgment.

Join us as we receive tools in our toolbox to help us navigate our daily journey.

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With your donation, we can expand our reach and service and continue to provide a space to enjoy life consciously!

Join Ervin A. Jones III for a Transformative Book Discussion on "Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul" by Bill Hybels

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or overscheduled? "Simplify" by Bill Hybels invites you to slow down and refocus on what truly matters. This book isn't about tidying up physical spaces—it's about reassessing daily activities and eliminating the non-essentials that drain your energy. By following ten practical steps, you can live the purposeful life God intended.

Discussion Details:

  • Dates: Starts May 14th, Tuesday to Thursday

  • Time: 7 AM - 8 AM

  • Where: EAJ3 Lives on Facebook

Join Ervin A. Jones III as he guides us through these transformative practices. Discover how a simplified life can lead to personal peace and a profound impact on those around you. These sessions will explore how simplifying is truly about amplifying our impact, guided by divine principles.

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